Sunday, May 8, 2011

Chapter 8 Graphic Organizer--Anna Soldner

Chapter eight concludes Vincent’s journey as Ned as she culminates her experience and summarizes her discoveries. She ultimately came to the realization that being a man was more difficult than she originally thought. Admittedly, she entered the experiment with prejudice towards men and their inherent male privilege, but learned that manhood came along with rigid, stifled emotions, suffocating rules, “unrealistic, limiting, infuriating, and depressing” expectations. For these reasons she leaves the project with a disconcerting lump in her throat—that a lot of men are in pain and face unresolved issues and consequently gains a newfound appreciation, love and pride for being a woman. The chart demonstrates the advantages and disadvantages of society’s modern notion of “manhood” as expressed in the chapter. According to Vincent, the right side clearly outweighs the left, showing how society has implicitly crippled men and caused them to carry a lot of emotional baggage and stress.

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